Saturday, March 5, 2022

Bullet journaling

In January I started keeping track on paper of the important things I need to remember to do each day. I still use Google calendar, which is shared with my husband so he knows what's going on and where. I like having something analog to hold and write in. I consult my little book in the morning, throughout the day, and at night as I check things off. 

My little book is almost full and then I'm moving to a slightly bigger one. I realized lately that I was actually doing a modified bullet journal so I decided to research bullet journaling to take better advantage of it. The main thing seems to be that the "official" ones have dots instead of lines. I also appreciate that they come paginated, right now I'm having to hand number each page.

For more info, look for the book "The Bullet Journal Method," by Ryder Carroll, which you can hopefully find at your local Library. I have also been enjoying the videos on YouTube, though it took me a bit to get used to seeing only Ryder's hands gesticulating as he talked.

The author's website is and it has a robust blog full of people sharing how they use their "BuJo."

1 comment:

  1. Habit tracking! I can't stay on track without it. I use a spreadsheet. Not pretty but so easy to use, and the neatness of the grid and checkboxes appeal to the OCD/neat-freak in me. Your journals look lovely. Enjoy.
