Sunday, March 1, 2020

Organizing my office

I've been doing a lot of reading about minimising what I own and organising what I keep.

I recently finished Emily Ley's "When Less Becomes More." It's a beautiful book with a great message. Some of the pages are pretty enough to frame, and there are work pages to flesh out your thoughts. I have just started Francine Jay's "Lightly: how to live a simple, serene & stress-free life," and my first takeaway from it is to remove everything (all the items) and then only put back what you love - instead of trying to remove just the things you don't like.

The space I call my office also serves as storage space for the clothes and shoes the kids are growing into and out of, extra school supplies, boxes of mementos, genealogy research, and photos. Most of it fits behind some curtains so that I don't have to see it, but it was overflowing out - with baskets of clothes to put in boxes, and a bag of items to donate extending beyond their designated space.

Today I took about 4 hours I think and did a big declutter and organize. Among the things being donated are a bulletin board, a memory board, loads of lined paper (the kids mostly use computers at school nowadays), and a good pair of shoes no one wants. Lots of paper got recycled, and some things went in the garbage.

The result is a space where everything fits behind the curtain.

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