Sunday, September 27, 2020

Project 333

Project 333

Wear just 33 items for 3 months and get back all the JOY you were missing while you were worrying about what to wear.[1]

I've been aware of this mindset/project but reading Courtney Carver's  Project 333 book recently was the impetus I needed to put things in motion.

Over the course of two days I examined all my clothing, shoes, accessories, and jewelry. Things that were easy to get rid of: didn't fit, didn't spark joy, wouldn't buy it in a store, worn out, will never actually wear it...

The first set of 3 months is October to December so I put away summer things I know I'll use next year, jewelry with sentimental value, and items over the 33 limit that I may want for my January to March, April to June, or July to September capsules.

My core items (things that I'll need every time) included:
1. Sunglasses
2. Backpack
3. Belt
4. Jeans

Other items:
5-8. Four pairs of dress pants
9-13. Long sleeve dress shirts (black & teal, purple stripes, green stripes, blue stripes, blue with lace)
14-16. Short sleeve dress shirts (black & white, grey & white, black & pink)
17-18. Long sleeve shirts (green with white stripes, purple with sparkles)
19-21. T-shirts (9/11, Joyful, red)
22. Jogging pants
23. Blue hoodie
24. Rose gold necklace from work colleagues
25. Silver necklace with cross inside Star of David
26. Winter jacket (it's made up of 2 pieces so I can wear just the outer part until it gets colder)
27. Navy scarf (picked one that can be used as an accessory as well)
28. Winter hat
29. Winter gloves 
30. Winter boots
31. Running shoes
32. Black Mary Janes
33. Brown Mary Janes

Thankfully the rules don't count wedding rings, undergarments, socks, and sleepwear.

I also didn't count my silver hoop earrings that never come out, two medallions with my grandparents fingerprints on them in a silver strand, and two work branded shirts.

As a result of this project I donated over 130 items.

I'm happy with my lighter load.



  1. I thought this sounded easy until I saw the word accessories. I could go down to one shirt and one pair of pants (both black) if I could keep all my jewelry and scarves. Please keep us posted as you live with this.

    1. You get to choose how you divide up your 33 items. So you could absolutely keep a large number of accessories if you wanted to go that route.
