Friday, February 8, 2019

What we were thankful for in 2018

Throughout the year we write the things we're thankful for on slips and paper and place them in our "Blessings Jar." On New Year's Eve we read them out and reminisce.

Here are some of the things we were thankful for in 2018:

  • a visit to Nanny in January. She was 96 then and healthy.
    Our family enjoyed talking to her.
  • a visit from aunts and cousins
  • a nice mom, dad, and 3 brothers and 1 sister (ds 3 forgot he was one of the brothers!)
  • family, food, friends, and mom!
  • food, water, and shelter (dd's favourite)
  • delicious dinners by Daddy
  • sweet juicy oranges
  • crisp crunchy celery
  • chips!
  • telling pickle stories
  • a job that provides for us
  • a new (to us) van
  • a nice house to live in
  • friends and neighbours came over to sing Christmas carols together
  • bright white & red Christmas lights decorating the outside of our home
  • God's grace

There were more but the slips of paper are long gone!

Want to start this tradition yourself? Here's a useful resource.