Friday, April 24, 2015

Letters to Papa: April 24

Dear Papa,

I read to you from Ann Voskamp's "The Greatest Gift" today. You sleep soundly, snoring away, but I have read that you can still hear.

The chapter I read said:
"Now all is calm. God comes... God comes quiet... This night a battle has been waged and won you. Love had to come back for you. Love had to get you. This night, you on this visited planet, your rescue is here. You can breathe."

Ironic since every couple of minutes or so fluids build up in the back of your throat and you gasp, try to cough, choke. But soon Papa. Soon you will be with Jesus and there will be no more struggle.
"Let the warm breath of heaven fall on you."
You cough again. I'm here with you Papa. I'm here.
"And the bulk of all your worn shreds slip off the weariness of your back. You have tried to polish enough for Him with these rags. You have tried to patch together so much for Him. You have tried to produce too much for Him with these rags."
Yes Papa. You are a good and faithful servant. You have done much for God. Now it's time for all the weariness to slip off.

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