Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Year and Decade in Review

2009 in review

1. Getting a reference position at the library
While the pay didn’t change, it was a step in the right direction in terms of applying my learnings and gaining more experience as a future librarian.  As a bonus, the location is closer to home.

2. The death of my brother-in-law S
July 24th … hours after arriving home from a vacation with my sister and their family he went out on his motorcycle and was in a fatal accident not far from home. 

3. Attending a “Healing Week” at church
The work J and I did discovering and dealing with our personal and relationship issues during this week of counseling and spiritual insight at our church will change us forever.

4. Giving birth to DD1
She broke even DS2’s speedy arrival record – 45 minutes from when my water broke to when she flew out after 3 non-pushes.  To quote J “Here we go again!”

5. Hosting our first Asian student
We had never had an Asian student before (just European and Central American) and had also never hosted longer than a month.  This girl is such a blessing – she is pleasant and so helpful and loves the boys.

Memorable moments from 2000 - 2009:

1. Meeting J & getting married
We met in November 2000 and got married December 29, 2001  This involved my moving from ABC back to XYZ and his moving from DEF to XYZ.

2. Giving birth to DS1, DS2 & DD1
DS1 was born July 2004 in hospital after about 10 hours of labour; DS2 was born November 2006 at home after 1 ½ hours of labour; DD1 was born November 2009 after 45 minutes of labour.

3. Starting a Masters degree
I started my Masters of Information Science in September 2007 and hope to graduate in 2011 as a librarian.

4. Traveling to India, Nepal, and Brazil with J

India & Nepal in 2003
Brazil in 2006 along with DS6 and DS4 in utero

5. The loss of my brother-in-law S
July 24, 2009 – I don’t think the 24th day of any month will pass by without us remembering our sudden and tragic loss.  I lost a brother-in-law, my boys lost an uncle, my husband lost a friend.  The men in our family grew up in a new way as they realized the importance of their role in the lives of my sister and nieces.  While we do not grieve as those without hope, we grieve nonetheless.


A decade ago I was 26 … living on my own in BC, a bit of a workaholic doing fundraising for a non-profit.  I was an auntie to two beautiful little girls and was afraid I’d never marry and have children of my own.

Posted on an old blog Jan. 2nd, 2010

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